GPS Tracking Key Pro text (land_air_sea)

This format can...

  • read and write tracks

This format is derived from the xcsv format, so it has all of the same options as that format.

Read-only support for the text format exported by Land Air Sea's (Windows only) Past-Track software. This may also work for importing text formatted files from Victoria GPS Tracking, GPS Tracking Key and Land Air Sea's other devices.


The text format of the GPS Tracking Key Pro contains one route coordinate per line and is of the format:

01-24-2011,09:12:30,N 48°51'57.9738",W 123°11'48.1354",20.5mph,83.8°,357ft

GPS Babel style file correctly imports all data except for bearing (which is un-needed). Since there is no way to create waypoints or routes on the device itself, the text file is read in as one large track.