GPSBabel 1.3.5 released
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
On this day, we put down our Coronas and deliver the latest round of fixes and enhancements to succeed GPSBabel 1.3.4. In a burst of creativity, we named it "GPSBabel 1.3.5". (Maybe we put the Coronas down too soon.)
This is an evolutionary release that adds support for several new GPS types, adds features, and of course, fixes problems.
While there's a mind-numbing list of fixes available (and an even more comprehensive list of changes in the source tree since we ARE an open source project...) here's a list of highlights.
New Formats.
- GlobalSat DG-100 data logger added.
- Navilink GPS support added. These devices are sold under a variety of names including NaiGPS, BGT-11, NaviGPS-BT, Amaryllo, and GT-11.
- MTK Data Logger format added to support units like iBlue 747, Qstarz BT-Q1000, Qstarz Q1200, iTrek Z1, Konet BGL-32.
- Nokia Landmark Exchange (LMX) added.
- Add Swiss Map 50 xol format.
- NMEA handler now accepts GISTeq strain.
- VidaOne added.
- Preliminary upport added for adding EXIF encoded data for geotagging.
- Destinator added.
- Add MagicMaps ik3d.
New Features.
- Mac build is now a universal binary for Rosetta-free experience on Intel.
- Garmin HC series now supported.
- Garmin GPI now supports speed and proximity alerts.
- Lowrance waypoint comments are now written.
- VCF format now writes coords in ADR for iPhone.
- Timestamps now read from KML Placemarks.
- GPX can now be read.
- TomTom now support geocaching features.
- KML writer for geocaches totally rewritten. Now displays "geocache stuff".
- KML track/route writer can now show direction of motion.
- GPX and CSV formats now handle Geocache archive/availability status.
- discard filter can now require a minimum number of satellites.
Major Fixes..
- Google Maps reader updates.
- Don't reverse longitude and latitude in tomtom_in. (oopsy!)
- Garmin GDB Category option now works as documented.
- Timestamps on xcsv formats for date and time are now added together.
- Realtime KML mode tries to suppress GPS jitter when still.
- GPX links now handled in tracks and routes.
- Improve support for Microsoft 2008 versions of Streets and Trips and Autoroute.
We've also added the ability for you to help support the project via Google Checkout in addition to Paypal.
Please do exercise this version and report your luck - good or bad - to the gpsbabel-misc mailing list.
GPSBabel 1.3.5 is available for download now.
Thank you!