st2gpx FAQ

What is st2gpx for?

I wanted to draw tracks from my GPS in AutoRoute to see where I had been. And I wanted to download data from AutoRoute to my GPS.

st2gpx is used for converting data in Microsoft Map (Streets & Trips, AutoRoute and MapPoint) format to a usable data format. GPX is becoming a standard format for GPS data. GPSBabel can convert GPX data to/from many other data formats.

Is there a GUI version?

Sorry, not yet.

You can drag-and-drop Streets & Trips, AutoRoute and MapPoint files to get gpx output. And you can create a .bat file to do the same for converting from gpx.

What can st2gpx do that you cant do with import/export in Microsoft Map (Streets & Trips, AutoRoute and MapPoint)?

  • st2gpx can import and export poly-lines. Streets & Trips and AutoRoute cant do this, and MapPoint needs to be programmed to achieve this.
  • st2gpx can export pushpins. Normally Streets & Trips and AutoRoute only import pushpins.
  • st2gpx can format pushpins (only symbol for now).
  • st2gpx can also export the driving route.

How do I save a GPS track or other GPX data from Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint?

First create the data you want in Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint. This can include pushpins, route, and poly-lines. It does not include driving instructions or drawing shapes other than poly-lines. Then the command is: st2gpx input-file-name input-file-name is your existing Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint file; The data will be exported into a file of the same name with the extension .gpx (you can specify the name of the output file with the -G option) You can use GPSBabel or other programs with this data.

How do I import a GPS track or other GPX data into Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint?

First you need to have the data in GPX format - see GPSBabel for that. Then you need to chose your import file, it can be a template map or one with your existing data in it. Be sure to backup this file! Then the command is: st2gpx -g gpx-in-file -F output-file-name input-file-name where gpx-in-file must be a valid GPX file; input-file-name is your existing Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint file; and output-file-name is the new Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint file. GPS routes and tracks will be drawn as blue poly-lines, and waypoints will be imported as pushpins.

What is a template map, and how do I get one?

A template map is basically an empty map for your version of Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint, which has been formatted for pushpins. (st2gpx cant import data into a map file unless it is formatted for pushpins.) You can create one by starting with a new map (file\new) in Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint. Create a single pushpin, then delete the pushpin again (this formats the map structure for pushpins). Then save this file with a name like MapPoint_2003_USA_template.ptm.

I would like to get the driving instructions, and detailed route, but st2gpx only saves the start/end and stops.

Unfortunately, the driving instructions are not saved in the file. You can add extra stops after the route is calculated, or you can draw/trace a poly-line along the route calculated by Streets & Trips/AutoRoute/MapPoint. This is exported as a track (or optionally a route), and can then be loaded to your GPS receiver using the correct software. I use an older Garmin GPS12 and loading a track this way works very well (I save as pcx5 format and load via Garmin MapSource. You may want to use GPSBabel to load directly to a Garmin or Magellan or into a format that your GPS software understands).

How do I draw/trace a poly-line along the route?

You need to use the drawing toolbar. There are many different line types, but I find 'freeform' the best. Begin with the entire route in view (or the part that you want to trace) and mark out the major points. Then you can zoom in and add more detail by adding points or correct points by dragging them. I find it best to add points at significant turns or intersections, and perhaps an extra point or two near the intersection so the line direction of approach or exit from the intersection is accurate. You can add many more points to get a very detailed trace of the route, but that may not be necessary. Experiment, and see what works for you.

I get a error and no data in the GPX file.

First, make sure that you don't have the input or output file already open in Streets & Trips, AutoRoute or MapPoint. Try downloading the latest version of st2gpx. If you are importing pushpins, be sure to remember to have one pushpin already, or have had one and deleted it. If you still have problems, send me the error message and the input file.