Note: This page describes the development version of GPSBabel. It may substantially differ from the latest released GPSBabel.

Remove all waypoints, tracks, or routes (nuketypes)

There are three main types of data that GPSBabel deals with: waypoints, tracks, and routes. The nuketypes filter allows removing all the data of any or all of those three types.

Example 4.16. Filtering data types with nuketypes

If you have a GPX file that contains routes, tracks, and waypoints and you want a GPX file that contains only tracks, you may use this filter to remove the waypoints and the routes with this command:

gpsbabel -i gpx -f bigfile.gpx -x nuketypes,waypoints,routes -o gpx -F tracksonly.gpx

waypoints option

Remove all waypoints from data stream.

This option causes the nuketypes filter to discard all waypoints that are not associated with a track or route.

tracks option

Remove all tracks from data stream.

This option causes the nuketypes filter to discard all track data.

routes option

Remove all routes from data stream.

This option causes the nuketypes filter to discard all route data.