Note: This page describes an obsolete version of GPSBabel that may substantially differ from the current or development version.

MTK Logger (iBlue 747,...) Binary File Format (mtk-bin)

This format can...

  • read waypoints

  • read tracks

This format has the following options: csv .

Binary file protocol converter for MTK based GPS loggers. This format reads the raw binary format created by the MTK Windows application and outputs to other formats supported by GPSBabel When using the csv option a MTK application compatible output file will also be created.

It has been tested with Transystem i-Blue 747™ but other devices should work as well (Qstarz BT-Q1000, iTrek Z1, ...)

All position items (including button push) will be listed as trackpoints in the output. Log items due to button push are presented as waypoints. In theory we would not add waypoints to the list of trackpoints. But as the MTK logger restart the log session from the button press we would loose a trackpoint unless we include/duplicate it.

Transystem i-Blue 747

Example 3.32. Convert MTK binary trackpoints to GPX

gpsbabel -t -i mtk-bin,csv=extra.csv -f data.bin -o gpx -F out.gpx Additionally a CSV output file is created.

csv option

MTK compatible CSV output file.

Specifies a filename into which MTK-compatible CSV output will be written.

Note that this option is a bit of an oddity in the GPSBabel arsenal. This should probably be a "real" output type of its own instead of being bolted onto an input type.