Note: This page describes the development version of GPSBabel. It may substantially differ from the latest released GPSBabel.

Garmin MapSource - txt (tab delimited) (garmin_txt)

This format can...

  • read and write waypoints

  • read and write tracks

  • read and write routes

This format has the following options: date, datum, dist, grid, prec, temp, time, utc .

This is a textual format that contains nearly all of the information contained in the MapSource™ main format, GDB. This format also contains some computed values such as distances between routepoints and trackpoints, speed, and course (heading).

The main goal of garmin_txt is to make aviation data more available. Because MapSource™ supports only the export, GPSBabel gives you the possibility to bring aviation data into MapSource™.

During the export with MapSource™, some fields are written using local settings of MapSource™ and Windows. These include grid format, gps datum, distance and temperature units, and the representation of date and time fields. GPSBabel tries to read all items automatically. Problems with date and time format can be solved with the 'date' and 'time' options.

Example 3.6. Command showing garmin_txt output with all options

gpsbabel -i garmin_txt,date="MM/DD/YYYY",time="hh:mm:ss xx" -f in.txt -o garmin_txt,date="DD.MM.YYYY",datum="WGS 72",dist=m,prec=6,temp=c,time="HH:mm:ss",utc=+2 -F out.txt

date option

Read/Write date format (i.e. yyyy/mm/dd).

This option specifies the input and output format for the date. The format is written similarly to those in Windows. An example format is "YYYY/MM/DD".

datum option

GPS datum (def. WGS 84).

This option specifies the datum to be used on output. Valid values for this option are listed in Appendix A, Supported Datums.

dist option

Distance unit [m=metric, s=statute].

This option specifies the unit to be used when outputting distance values. Valid values are M for metric (m/km/kph) or S for statute (ft/mi/mph).

grid option

Write position using this grid..

This value specifies the grid to be used on write.

Table 3.1. Grid values for garmin_txt

# idxshortfile-headersample
0dddLat/Lon hddd.ddddd S26.25333 E27.92333
1dmmLat/Lon hddd°mm.mmN33 56.539 W118 24.471
2dmsLat/Lon hddd°mm'ss.sS25 25 26.8 E28 06 07.3
3bngBritish National GridTQ 18919 69392
4utmUniversal Transverse Mercator33 U 318293 5637154
5swissSwiss grid776519 167359

Idx or short are valid params for this option.

prec option

Precision of coordinates.

This option specifies the precision to be used when writing coordinate values. Precision is the number of digits after the decimal point. The default precision is 3.

temp option

Temperature unit [c=Celsius, f=Fahrenheit].

This option specifies the unit to be used when writing temperature values. Valid values are C for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit.

time option

Read/Write time format (i.e. HH:mm:ss xx).

This option specifies the input and output format for the time. The format is written similarly to those in Windows. An example format is "hh:mm:ss xx".

utc option

Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time.

This option specifies the local time zone to use when writing times. It is specified as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) in hours. Valid values are from -23 to +23.